Friday, November 21, 2008


A cold winter's day,
the sunset is red with pain...

I'm left with nothing to say,
for my heart's been finally slain.

The sun hides behind a string of clouds,
the kind that look like forgotten old shrouds.

My breath fogs as it touches the cold air,
my heart is broken, it's so hard to inhale...

I did nothing but care,
I did nothing but love, alas to no avail.

Long black overcoat, hands in my pockets,
Collar turned up, eyes in sullen sockets.

I'm on a dirt road, brown and grey,
I'm out of warmth with nothing left to say.

It's all in slow motion, I want it this way,
for one last chance, to stop me this day.

I want you to follow,
I want you to stop me,
I want you to care,
I want you to want me,

I look over my shoulder, I'm walking away,
hoping that you'll say you want me to stay.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

When Is It...

When she fails to call,
to make plans in Fall,

when she neglects to answer,
like a pretentious dancer,

when her emails are lackluster,
and sex talk makes her fluster,

when she doesn't make time,
and treats you more like a dime,

when she cancels plans,
so that she could clean her hands,

when she will only call,
when there's nothing to do at all,

when she responds to your SMS,
with only a no or yes,

it's time to move on.

I Remember...

I remember...

we walked through the Golden Gate park,
holding hands in the moonlit dark.

we biked along the beaches of the Pacific,
describable as utterly, simply terrific.

I remember...

we skiied the slopes of the Sierra slope,
then bathed together in bubbly soft soap.

we hiked up the switchbacks of Yosemite,
far away from the biggest, nearest city.

I remember...

we swam together in the Almaden lake,
once a year only on Spring's break.

we drove together along the California coast,
and made love under the bright stars unlike most.

I cried,

when you first told me you loved me,
and wouldn't be free without me.

when I asked for your hand for life,
and you said yes you would be my wife.

I cried,

when you gave us our first child,
I felt like a man when she first smiled.

when she grew up and became a woman,
only then did I feel like a true man.

I sobbed,

when you told me you loved me,
while I held your hand beside your bed.

I sobbed,

when the glimmer in your eyes dimmed away,
and I could do nothing to make you stay.

I sobbed,

when I kissed your lips for the last time,
because it was the end of your life's prime.

I died,

when I realized I had finally left you alone,
for it did not matter that I was on my own.

I died,

when I realized I couldn't let you be alone,
and let you go on being on your own.

I Am...

I'm praying,
that you can see,
why I am here.

I'm hurting,
it's been so long,
since I've touched you.

I'm thinking,
I am in love,
and I want you.

Ville The Mill

Ville-e Manile-e, keeps it going,
keeps that porn right on flowing,

I wonder where the man hangs,
cuz all I see is his fresh mustang.

I hear from Jackie he's pretty fresh,
just like some window's fine wire mesh.

He's always sending out superpokes,
but I never respond to them like some bloke.

He was off Monday now he's not,
hanging with us around the Penthouse parking lot.

Marry Barry

Barry Wong why so merry,
went to asia hoping to marry,

he came back empty-handed I wonder why,
perhaps his wish-list was as high as the sky.

Here's my advice to Barry that I'll hope he'll take,
buy her a fat dinner, especially t-bone steak,
that way they know, you've got money, not like a fake.

Now he's at work as lazy as can be,
coming in at work at ten thirty-three.

Pissy Gabe Ausiello

There's this QA guy called Gabe Ausiello,
whom by day was pretty damn mellow.

'cept one day this group came to be,
Tier 2 from CS was their name you see.

Things were pretty hay-wire on that day after,
pissing Gabe off from what I can gather.

So one day Gabe was pretty much dissed,
so he went over and gave everone a piss,

right into their cofee mug, cept for me,
cuz reall why'd he be pissed at lil' ol me?

Jackie's Bootay

Came a day when I saw your bootie,
I said to myself "that's a real cutie."

I wanted to pinch it for some good luck,
and in return a giggle that'll lead to a good @#$%.

Perhaps I should just give it a lick,
and in return get an in-your-face kick,

Maybe I should stop this luvvy-dovey bit,
and do something else that's a lot more fit.

Monday, November 17, 2008

If I Could Sing

If I had a voice that seduced the angels to stop and listen,
if I had a voice loud enough to carry itself around the world 500 times,
I would sing to you,
and take you to a place where only you can imagine,
where healing takes a mere moment,
and love lasts a lifetime.

Broken Promises

I was promised the everlasting stars,
you gave me specs of sand.

I was promised the ends of the earth,
you gave me the end of days.

I was promised your loving heart,
you gave me an aching heart.

I was promised a life with you,
you gave me an end with you.

I Am Yours

I can only tell you how I feel,
it is the only thing I know,
it is the only thing I rememeber,
for I am lost when I think of you,
for I am lost when I dream of you,
for I am yours.

No Title & incomplete

How your heart is close against mine,
I feel as though we live without time.


When you tell me you miss me,
my heart is vibrant as a moonlit sea.

When you neglect to want me,
my heart is as empty as the dark sea.

When you tell me you'll make time,
my heart wait in anticipation.

When you forget to make time,
my heart is betrayed of obligation.

No Title and Incomplete

We have found ourselves in each other,
it's unlikely I'll have this with another.

No Title and Incomplete

You have forgotten who I am,
I have been pushed aside,
like a country that's forgotten it's veteran.

End My Pain

My passion for you is immense,
I know it can be intense.

What would you have me do?
for all I can do is think of you.

You can end it here, now, forever,
tell me I'm not for you, today, ever.

No Title

It takes only a moment to end it all,
so say how you really feel.

Life is so short, it can end in one fall,
so live, breathe and speak as if it's your last deal.


In Summer,
The warm sun reminds me of your touch,
I long for it much.

In Fall,
The brisk air reminds me of your eyes,
they take me to the skies.

In Winter,
The chilly water's reflection reminds me of your smile.
they melt me for just awhile.

In Spring,
The fragrant flowers remind me of your hair,
I am lost in them when i'm there.

Light & Hover

In my years of life I have found no other,

that has made me light and hover.

came the day that I found your soul,

capture your heart I have made it my goal.

Now that you are in my life,

perhaps someday I'll make you my wife.

Why am I writing a poem such as this,

when really I have no one to miss?

Apparently I must be bored,

if I'm writing poems about loving s'more.

Leave Me Be

Leave me be,

let the battering rain close my eyes,

for it cannot stop me,

let the unforgiving sun burn my skin,

for it cannot stop me,

let the frigid air freeze my limbs,

for it cannot stop me,

let the harsh winds break my voice,

for it cannot stop me,

let the heavens witness my testament,

for I am here, so leave me be.



out the pain that runs in your blood,
for it will quiet the thoughts in your mind.


out the turmoil rooted in your mind,
for it will quelch the confusion in your heart.


out the fire that rages in your heart,
for it will clarify that path you need to take.


Want you, see you,
until dawn's break.
Waiting, wondering
will today be the day?

Aching, breaking,
by evening's end.
Listening, thinking,
will tonight be the night?

Hoping, watching,
until dawn's break.
Kiss you, feel you,
will today be the day?

Ponder, wonder,
by evening's end.
Touch you, taste you,
will tonight be the night?



it's not for having none,
for I have many,
it's not for having many,
for I want one,

it's not for having them,
for I have plenty,
it's not for having plenty,
for I want you.

Let’s Pretend

For a moment,
let's pretend,

when the mountain holds the sleeping sunset,
and the skies are brilliant with desire,
that you wanted me,

when the ocean caresses the longing horizon,
and the clouds are illuminate with passion,
that you wanted me,

when the wind touches the fickle sands,
and the stars are bright with incandescent appetence,
that you wanted me,

let's pretend,

when your breasts are caressed against mine,
and my heart can be felt by the ages,
that you wanted me,

when your body is held against mine,
and my hunger can be felt by the minute,
that you wanted me,

when your legs are wrapped against mine,
and my love can be felt by the second,
that you wanted me.


I was there, or was I not?
Unbelievable, impossible, unlikely,
you were willing, was I not?
Passion, wanting, engulfing,
I was there, were you there?
Climatic, regression, dissolution,
we were.


For a moment,
I tasted vanilla,
soft, like clouds,
from your touch,
I could not hold back,
I lost control,
I gave in,

your touch,

A Gift to You

I spent my life wandering the earth in search of a gift for you.
I climbed the harshest of mountains,
I swam the turbulent of rivers,
I walked the hottest of deserts,
but my search was in vain for I found none that compared to you.
I came to realize that the greatest gift would be from the stars, for only a star can compare,
and so I build myself a ladder to extend my arms to the sky,
so that I can one day show you what you truly represent to me,
a bright star that warms my heart.